
Grooming Tips for a Great Looking Dog!

Styling Options for Your Poodle’s Face

styling options for your poodle's face

There’s different styling options you can choose from, when it comes to grooming your poodle’s face. The face of a poodle is clipped clean. Leaving a mustache and/or a beard is a styling option left to the discretion of the owner.

The typical choice for most Poodles is either a #10 or #15 blade used in reverse. For dogs with delicate skin, longer blades may be used, especially in the cheek area where they are the most sensitive.

Keeping the blade tipped up on its cutting edge; allowing only the tips of the teeth to ride over the skin coupled with excellent, efficient clipping skills minimize possible clipper irritation for the dog.

Clipping the Face

The topknot is set using landmark points on the skull as reference. The clipped line that establishes the topknot on the sides of the face runs from the ear canal opening to the back corner of the eye. It will parallel the zygomatic arch, which is easily felt.

It’s important to lightly stretch the skin back towards the ear for efficient clipping, but use caution not to pull the skin up into the topknot area. Stretching the skin upward will destroy the natural, straight line from the ear canal to the back of the eye.

Continue clipping forward under the eye and down the bridge of the nose. At the stop area, clip an inverted “V” to give definition to the eyes and to lengthen the muzzle. Work over the muzzle area and the lower jaw if the face is being clipped cleanly.

Placing a finger at the back corner of the mouth and stretching the skin will facilitate safety while clipping over the lip area. Be careful not to catch the smooth skin ridges just on the inside of the lips on the lower jaw.

Ride that area with only the edge of the clipper blade for safety, minimizing the chance of the ridges slipping between the cutting teeth. Keep the clipper very soft and supple in your hand as it glides over the skin.

Clipping The Throat

The pattern for the neck and throat is shaped in a “V.” It accentuates a long and elegant neck. The “V” will start at the ear bulbs and plunge down, stopping a few inches above the breast bone. Some stylists use the end of the nose as a general reference point for setting the depth of the “V” shaped neckline.

While the dog is standing squarely, ask the dog to tip their nose toward the chest. Where the end of the nose falls is the lowest point of the neckline. If the dog has a very short muzzle, the line may be drawn down slightly further.

Mustache & Beard

When setting the lines for the mustache and beard, the lines need to be clean and symmetrical. Depending on the style and the size of the dog, the pattern line for the mustache can be set on an angle between the nose and the back corner of the mouth or straight up and down.

For the beard on the lower jaw, extend the clipper line a small amount ahead of the back edge line of the mouth. This will create a clean neat break when the dog opens its mouth. Mustache and beard styles will vary based on client preference.

Smaller mustache and beard combinations may be set with clipper blades such as the longer “F” blades or guard combs to ensure a uniform length and shape very quickly.

On larger dogs such as Standard Poodle size, the mustache and beard would need to be set with longer guard combs to balance with the rest of the head. Mustache and beards may also be totally shaped by hand as well.

With either technique, make sure to detail out the edges by working with the pet’s mouth both opened and closed. Whenever working around the mouth of the pet with scissors or clippers, highly aware of the location of the tongue.

Whenever possible work on the dog with its mouth shut to avoid accidentally nicking the tongue.


The texture of the coat on a topknot will dictate its final appearance. Poodle coat should be full of body, curly and farm in texture.

With the correct coat, the fur can be totally sculpted into beautiful shapes that accentuate the regal, elegant and intelligent look of a poodle.

What ever the shape; flared, straight sided or rounded, the topknot should always be a well-balanced extension of the skull. It should be impeccably neat and symmetrical.

Pet Poodle Topknot Formula

For many poodles, the hair is not the highest in quality. Thus, shaping a well rounded topknot can pose a challenge. There are a number of different ways to shape a topknot. This formula works well on all topknots, but exceptionally well with floppy topknots.

The principle foundation is based on the structure of the skull, which leads to a pleasing balance to the head piece. The process is called the side-side-front-back formula.

After the face has been clipped clean, the topknot can be shaped. Comb all the hair over to one side. Flip the ear over the top of the head to minimize the risk of nicking the ear leather where it joins the skull.

Glide a pair of opened, straight shears under the clipped line that separates the cheek from the topknot. The lower blade of the shear will be softly resting on the skin. Bevel the shear slightly away from the skin so as the blade closes; there is no possible risk of catching the skin between the blades.

Flip the ear over, glide the shear over the top of the ear, right at the junction point of the skull and the leather. Again, bevel the shear slightly and cut.

Continue the line around the ear, wrapping right around the base of the ear, joining the topknot line with the neck line so it is one, flowing line. Repeat the process on the opposite side of the head.

Next comb all the hair forward over the eyes. Glide the opened shear in at a steep bevel. The fur just above the eyes will be very short, as it gently angles away from the eye, the fur get longer.

By creating the stacked ledge, the hair is held out of the way of the eyes and the eye becomes deep-set, creating an intelligent expression for the pet. For the last line, comb all the hair to the back and blend the fur into the neck.

When trimming back of the topknot, hold the dog’s head upright, in its natural position so the top edge of the topknot is not removed in the trimming process.

Fluff the topknot with a comb. Give the ears a small tug-tug, alternating between ears to simulate a mild natural head shake. With curved shears, round the top edge and check all the lines so that they are well blended, neat and clean. Check the work from all angles, front, side and rear.

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Styling Options for Your Poodle’s Face

styling options for your poodle's face

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