
Grooming Tips for a Great Looking Dog!

Grooming Dogs With Wool Coat



In this post we’ll go through some details about grooming dogs with wool coat: different tips for bathing and drying, brushing and finishing.

What Is The Coat Like?

  • Considerable variation in coat types. Depending on the breed, the coat is soft, curly, wavy or straight.
  • A good choice for people who suffer from allergies as the coat is generally non-shedding/molting.
  • Coat grows continuously from all parts of the body.
  • The coat will mat and tangle unless it is groomed on a regular basis.
  • Puppy coats are often fluffy and flyaway. Owners often bathe them frequently, but they must ensure first that the coat is tangle-free.
  • A lot of dogs in this group are heavily trimmed, for which you should seek professional assistance.

Bathing And Drying


  • Bathe from once a week to once every six weeks.


  • Collect all items that you will need: cotton balls, shampoo and conditioner, jug for mixing shampoo, towels.
  • Place dog on an anti-slip mat in the bath.
  • Place a cotton ball in each ear to prevent water from getting into the ear canal.
  • Before you start bathing, make sure that you brush over the entire body to remove any serious mats and tangles.


  • Make sure that the water temperature is suitable – just around warm.
  • Thoroughly wet the dog all over except for the head.
  • Use a quality, regular, all-purpose shampoo and massage the lather thoroughly into all parts of the body.
  • Rinse most of the lather out of the coat.
  • Apply a second lather, then rinse the shampoo out.
  • Now wash the dog’s head with tear-free shampoo.
  • Apply a suitable conditioner and leave for 10 minutes to gain maximum benefit.
  • Rinse whole dog thoroughly until coat is clean.


  • Start by toweling dry as much as possible. Don’t rub too hard or you risk tangling the hair.
  • Then use a hand dryer over the body. The temperature of the airflow should be warm, not hot, and set to high speed. Be careful using the dryer around the head.
  • Blow the hair away from the body using a moderately firm pin or slicker brush and working on sections of the coat in the same way as drying human hair.
  • Work methodically to make sure all areas of the dog are reached until the coat is dry.

Body Checks

  1. Teeth: Check teeth and gums looking for tartar or inflammation.
  2. Eyes: Check the eyes and clean out any stick deposits.
  3. Ears: Pendulous should be folded back and any wax or accumulated dirt cleaned out.
  4. Feet: Check the length of nails and condition of pads, and clear any dirt from between the claws.

Brushing Wool Coats

  1. When brushing wool coats, it is best to apply same anti-static spray. It lubricates the hair shafts and so makes brushing this type of coat, which has a natural curl and a slight undercoat, considerably easier and gentler.
  2. Hold the head steady and start by slicker brushing the top knot and the areas around the back of the head.
  3. Then move onto the ears, holding each securely, and brush with the lie of the hair to eliminate any tangles. Support the ear with your free hand to avoid tugging at the ear flap if resistance is met.
  4. Stretch the front leg forward and brush against the lie of the hair from the top of the leg down. Only brush this way if the coat is short enough. On longer-haired dogs, brush with the lie of the coat.


  1. Work over the body with the slicker brush. Lifting the front leg helps to prevent the dog from moving around on the grooming table.
  2. Thoroughly brush the friction areas under the legs where tangles can easily form.
  3. Work methodically around the dog, brushing the chest and belly, rear quarters and tail, particularly if it has pom-pom. Also check the breeches for signs of fecal soiling and trim away excess hair if necessary.
  4. Wool coats tend to get tangly at the roots, and combing in these circumstances can pull on the dog’s skin and cause discomfort. Ideally you should comb, as well as brush, the dog, but it is better to brush efficiently than to engage in combing if the coat is clumpy and resistant.

Few breeds that belongs to this group:

Coton de Tulear
Bichon Frise
Miniature Poodle
Standard Poodle
Toy Poodle
Irish Water Spaniel
Bedlington Terrier
Kerry Blue Terrier

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Grooming Dogs With Wool Coat


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